Booking terms and conditions

The company “VStudent Portugal 2, S.A.”, with NIPC 515274887, and with share capital of 50.000 euros (hereinafter “VStudent”) is the owner of the student residence operating under the brand name LIV Colife, located at Rua do Carriçal, nº 85 a 115, 4200-595, in Oporto (the “Coliving”), which is operated under the brand name LIV Colife. Telephone numbers: + 351 935 166 166 533 WhatsApp: + 351 935 166 533 e-mail:

Steps to follow to reserve a room or unit (the “Unit”):

If you already know the prices and services of the selected Unit and you are of legal age, start the booking process by contacting our team, through the contact channels mentioned above. You will have to pay a “Booking Fee” (non-refundable and non-deductible) of 195€ by bank transfer (IBAN: PT50017030010304019479713/SWIFT: CAGLPTPLXXX). Once the payment process is completed, you will receive an email with your contract, which must be reviewed and signed within 10 working days. At this point the unit will be considered reserved. The deposit in accordance with the amount previously informed (the “Deposit”), will be collected within ten (10) working days after the signing of the Contract by bank transfer (IBAN: PT50017030010304019479713/SWIFT: CAGLPTPLXXX). In case you are going to stay at the Coliving less than one month after signing the Contract, you will have to pay the Booking Fee, the Deposit and the first month’s rent immediately. This payment must be made by bank transfer (IBAN: PT50017030010304019479713/SWIFT: CAGLPTPLXXX). You must provide proof of payment. You must include in the concept of all transfers your Entry ID (indicated in the heading of the Contract) + Full Name + Concept of payment (e.g.: Booking Fee, Deposit, First month in progress…). In addition, you must send by email, to the address indicated above, the proof of payment. The Tenant may extend his contract, depending on the availability of the Coliving, from 1 to 3 months. In case he/she intends to extend his/her stay for more than three (3) months, a new contract must be signed. The Deposit paid at the time will be applied in full to the new Contract once the current one has expired, and will therefore not be returned. The Deposit in these cases must be for the amount informed. *Under no circumstances will the company be responsible for guaranteeing availability and/or prices.

When is the Deposit returned?

The Deposit will be refunded, minus 50 € for cleaning, once your stay is over, after checking your room and verifying that everything is in good condition, within thirty (30) calendar days. The Deposit will not be returned in the following cases: If the Deposit has had to be executed due to incurring any damage to the Unit or the Coliving.

Protection of Personal Data.

VStudent informs the Tenant and the other parties involved in this document that their personal data (the “Data”) will be included in a file under its responsibility for the purpose of managing the Booking Request. The legal basis that legitimises the processing of the Data is the need to manage the pre-contractual relationship and/or to execute the contractual relationship. For an adequate management and to carry out the centralisation of administrative and IT processes, your Data will be shared with the parent company of the VStudent group Valeo Management Europe Limited and Valeo Management Spain S.L.U., manager and operator of the residences in Spain and Portugal. For more information see the privacy policy of The Data will be retained for the duration of this agreement and thereafter for as long as legally required to meet any contractual liabilities. The Lessee and the other parties involved in this document have the rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation, opposition, portability and complaint by sending an e-mail to, accrediting their identity and indicating the right being exercised. If you consider that your right to data protection has been violated, you may file a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD).